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Our Members at Work


Stores submitted up-to- date records of Club activities, honors and achievements, files of yearly programs, membership lists, sign-in sheets and a complete set of yearbooks (dated 1920 to current). Knowledgeable with parliamentary procedure and is a resource for the presiding officer.



Prepares and submits applications for State, New England Regional and National Garden Club Awards in order that Club activities and members may receive the recognition they merit.



Coordinates the Annual Bird Walk in the spring to identify species of birds during spring migration, and to identify emerging wildflowers.  Plans a breakfast and a program speaker.  Provides the membership with current and relevant information. 


Boswell Botany Trail:

Assists in the conservation and educational self-guided trail at the Southern Vermont Arts Center that was founded by Petey Boswell and continues to be maintained by the Club.


Civic Beautification:

  • Manchester: Coordinates planting and maintaining baskets, boxes and planters in Manchester during the summer months.  Schedules dates for clean-up and weeding. Maintains a pollinator garden at the Green.

  • Dorset and East Dorset: Coordinates planting and maintaining baskets, boxes and planters in Dorset during the summer months. Schedules dates for clean-up and weeding. Maintains a pollinator garden at the Green.

  • Litter Pick-up: Coordinates litter pick-up along River Road, Manchester twice a year.​

  • Wreath Workshop: Coordinates annual workshop to decorate wreaths that are donated to local municipal buildings and churches during the holidays.



  • Email Announcements:  Provides program reminders, updates and bulletins via email blasts to the membership.

  • Publicity: Fosters community awareness of Club activities and to encourage community attendance at Club events open to the public through press releases to local newspapers and television.

  • Website and Facebook Coordinator: Keeps members, constituents and area community informed on Club community service activities, fundraising efforts and Club events.



Provides the membership with reviews of current and relevant issues in the area of conservation.


Flower Arrangements:

  • ​Provides floral arrangements weekly to the Manchester Community Library and also on occasion for the Southern Vermont Arts Center.

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​Flower Show:

Coordinates all aspects of the show, including publicity.  This event is held every other year and participation by all Club members is expected.  


Garden Therapy:

Assists residents in local care facilities with making small floral arrangements with live material at monthly workshops.  Provides small arrangements for residents unable to attend.


​Garden Tour:

Plans the garden tour of local residents’ gardens, including publicity, ticket sales and welcoming attendees at various home garden locations. This major fundraiser is held every other year and participation by all Club members is expected.  


Holiday Market: 

Coordinates Committee members and volunteers to create and provide wreaths, table centers, and holiday decorations.  Encourages members to contribute baked goods.  Participation by all Club members is expected at this annual fundraiser.  



Acts as a clearing house for the exchange of gardening methods and seeks to identify

plants which can be grown successfully in our area.



Communicates with volunteers to provide light refreshments and floral arrangements

to monthly meetings and events.  Coordinates set-up the day of the meeting/event.


Junior Gardeners: 

Coordinates programs to help foster a love of gardening, focusing on youth education.

Promotes gardening activities with students in local schools. 

​Memorial Books:

Selects books related to gardening to give to the Manchester Community Library and Dorset Library, in memory of deceased members of the Club.  Consults with Club members and area librarians to make appropriate selections.  



Makes a photographic documentation of all Club activities. Takes photos at events and outings and shares with the Webmaster. 


Plant, Bake and Tag Sale:

Coordinates this major annual fundraiser.  Distributes posters and flyers prior to the event.  Manages set-up, sales and clean-up.  Communicates with all Club members to contribute plants, garden related items and baked goods.



Selects committee members to work on the Annual program and events. Selects possible programs, presenters, day trips and events. Coordinates specific programs and the annual outing. 


Scholarship Program for Area High School Seniors:

Coordinates application process with area high school guidance counselors. Sets a time table for applications deadline.  Appoints Club members to review and rate applications. Attends Awards Ceremonies.



Prepares and distributes yearbook containing all pertinent information of Club structure and activities, programs, membership contact information, Bylaws and policies.


Members are asked to select 2 to 3 committees or events to join and participate in as an Active Member of GCM. If you would like to make any changes to the committees on which you currently serve, please click here to complete an online form to select your committees.



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